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The escalation on U.S. – China economic war and its consequences

Le 24 octobre 2018
Tensions between the U.S. and China/ statement of President TRUMP to refuse student visas to Chinese students/ concern among young Chinese students and among American companies /

The escalation of tensions between the U.S. and China over trade and economic matters might impact Chinese Students and their projects of studies in the United Stated. However, there are not the only ones to fear such consequences. American Universities and Business are also worried.

According to Forbes:

For companies, it will certainly mean moving more resources outside the United States to hire and place Chinese students, who would now be educated in other countries. “This link between American competitiveness and immigration is a persistent theme for the tech industry,” writes William R. Kerr, author of The Gift of Global Talent. “In contrast to the coal mines and seaports that anchored past industrial centers, talent in the knowledge economy can go anywhere – excepting, of course, where nations impose limits on people flows.


For more details, please read the article published this week in Forbes: with-chinese-student-visas/#213d641a757a